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I Know Why You're Here...
You're an accomplished wine, tourism or hospitality professional who is ready to unlock the secrets that will elevate your success to the next level, but you are unsure of the steps to get there faster & easier.Â
Low foot and/or website traffic
​Few or declining repeat customers
Referrals drying up or non-existent
You have an excellent marketing kit from your hired consultants or franchise system
Your social media content looks professional & has excellent messaging
You attend networking events & sponsor local organizations
FINALLY- someone with a proven plan who understands that your business needs more than a recognized name & content to thrive- it needs a HEART & CONNECTION that builds relationships within the community.
I'm Renee Ventrice- my clients master the art of revenue generating connections to become the local favorite with increased foot/web traffic, referrals and repeat business, and to be valued as staples in their communities.
Reach out today- my insights see your blind spots, and show you how to put pleasure back into doing business!
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